On Site Training

In-House Training

By November 4, 2020 No Comments

ACC In-House Training is a very cost-effective way to meet the professional training & development needs of your staff. As an alternative to having to send your staff for training which includes various expesses inclucding: booking flights, hotel reservations, and cars rentals, you can simply have one of our industry-leading expert instructors come out to your location, at a time that’s convenient for you and your team.

Our instructors will bring with them years of experience in the areas of:

1- Compliance
2- Corporate Governance
3- Anti-Money laundering
4- Counter-Terrorism Financing
5- Fraud & Financial Crimes
6- Forensic Investigations
7- Risk Management
8- Basel II
9- Internal Control
10- Islamic Banking
11- Cash Flow Analysis

Our trainings are very interactive and engaging for all the attendees, it includes active discussions, examples, real case studies, illustrative videos and quizzes.

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